ASATU, Fully in Support of 1 Youth 2 Skills Solution, Says Akpudo

By Chuka Nnabuife

BEYOND the success so far recorded by Anambra State Government’s empowerment scheme ‘1 Youth 2 Skills Solution’ it’s inclusiveness and involvement of communities has won the heart of grassroots leaders in the state.

Ahead the kick off of the second phase of the ‘1 Youth 2 Skills Solution’ program, the Ministry Youth Development, on Friday (June 21) made a courtesy visit to Anambra State Association of Town Unions (ASATU).
The delegation, led by Anambra State’s Commissioner for Youth Development, Patrick Agha Mba was received by the President-General of ASATU, Titus Akpudo.

Stating the purpose of the mission, Mr. Agha Mba said his ministry’s visit is to appreciate the support of the state’s community leaders to the Phase One of the ‘1 Youth 2 Skills Solution’ (1Y2SS) program which led to it’s adjudgement as 98 per cent successful by the Anambra State’s Strategic Evaluation and Execution (SEE) agency among other favourable appraisals.

While informing that in the first phase, the 1Y2SS successfully trained and empowered 5000 youths in various entrepreneurial trades, Agha Mba disclosed that the second phase which is beginning will shoulder 10,000 Anambra youths.

He solicited ASATU and the President-Generals of Anambra State’s 179 communities’ continued support and promotion of the program in all the communes.
According to the commissioner the second phase of the empowerment program comes with a lot Innovations. Notable among them are the mode of operation which requires elders and community leaders to actively monitor the sessions and ensure that their young ones receive the standard of trainings approved by government and the inclusion of certification after orientations as well as more courses.
The program commences this time with consultation of stakeholders and a higher regime of examination and certification of master trainers.

“We came as a ministry to tell you that we are now in the second phase of the One Youth Two Skills Solution program”, Agha Mba told Akpudo,”and the goal is ‘closing the gap’. We want Anambra communities to see that the government is doing a great thing and support it.
“We want communities to be monitors and to help us in supervising the projects. Our projects are community-based and community-participatory.”

Responding, Akpudo commended Gov. Soludo for his appointment of Agha Mba and deploying him to the Youths ministry, noting that he is “a round peg in a round hole.”

He also observed that the appointment of the commissioner “marks the first time in the history of Anambra State that a critical ASATU leader is being appointed into the executive council of the state.”

Agha Mba was a former President-General of ASATU. Akpudo, a legal practitioner, reasoned that the commissioner’s experience as a community leader made him very conversant with the vital needs of Ndi Anambra hence his ability to come up with such innovative programs as the 1Y2SS, and his down-to-earth personality and bottom-to-top approach in projects.

He assured the commissioner that ASATU will solidly stand behind him, and the 1Y2SS.

“ASATU is fully with the ministry and we will be ready to give you all support,” Akpudo told Agha Mba.

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