Ikeotuonye Heads Home, a Hero

Ndi Ubuluisiuzo mourn

Ndi Ubuluisiuzo mourn

By Chuka Nnabuife

They say stars last a while and fade out of mind with the disappearance of the night’s cloud. But how do they explain the Northern Star, its constance, its permanence in the memory of those who beheld it?

Some lives end but leave everlasting impressions.

There are stars among the cluster of stars. Our star and hero, Emmanuel Onyejena (1957 to 2024) was a unique one the firmaments and orbits. His unmistakably distinct glow and constance as a leading light made him one of the stars that took very conspicuous spot in the galaxy. He stood out, he sparkled in his feats, he bestrode life and vocations with many giant strides yet he excelled in rare humility.

Sir Emmanuel, a distinguished Catholic knight of the Order of St. Mulumba is fittingly titled, Ikeotuonye, a corroborative of the many laurels that marked his life which he won through toil and divine grace.

A thoroughbred homeboy though a globetrotting professional, he was a gentleman in every sense of the word.
Known for sticking to high principles such as the punctuality and disgust with lies, Ikeotuonye distinguished himself as much in personality as in productivity. His records of service to community, faith and humanity stand him out the way his endeavors in his profession, journalism place him among the eagles on iroko at mountain top.

In his native Ubuluisiuzo community of Ihiala local council, Anambra State, his illustrious roles in the leadership of the body Concerned Citizens of Ubuluisiuzo in the twilight years of the 1990s through the nascent years of the new millennium remains a reference point in grassroots mobilisation and galvanisation. Through his active, hands-on leadership the community got electricity and got linked to the national grid, among other highpoints.
Journalism practice took him across Nigeria from Benin City, to Ibadan to Lagos, Abuja among others and various cities of the United States of America and Europe.
The vocation he loved deeply afforded him the chance to make his mark as a reporter, writer, editor, administrator and board management executive.
In no chronological order, he served with enviable records in such frontline Nigerian newspapers as The Observer, The Sketch, The Guardian, ThisDay, The Union among.
Through his outstanding journalism work, he got the honorary citizenship and key of two cities in the United States of America (USA).
He also served at one time as the personal assistant of the publisher and Chief Executive Officer of ThisDay Newspaper, Prince Nduka Obaigbena.
He also served, at some epochs as such aide to Chief A.B.C. Orjiakor of the leading Nigerian indigenous Oil and Gas firm, Seplat.
Beyond the media industry, Sir Emmanuel, the only child of his mother and first son of a second world war veteran, Thomas Onyejena of Umuchukwu kindred, Ubuluisiuzo (a man noted for being having his Whitehorse bicycle and dress, stainless) known for working principles, and his administrative prowess. He was a very lively easy-to-take-jokes man but work or meeting never hindered his time for mass or coffee break.
He worked in the Presidency in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja where he served actively in the organising of the media conferences of Vision 2020 among other historic national events.
Observing that these landmarks and many not stated here were notched up by a bright-eyed young man who left Ubuluisiuzo a couple of years after the end of Nigerian Civil War in 1970 with barely a first school leaving certificate and a head full of dreams only to return, highly educated with a plethora of parchments, garlands and feats will explain why his native title is Ikeotuonye.

His people know that some are born with greatness but some snatch greatness out of the jaws of adversity.

Without doubt Ubuluisiuzo is rocked by the exit. In St. John de Baptist Catholic Parish, Ubuluisiuzo where he was one of the pillars of the church (Ide) when news his death broken, the mood like a graveyard silence.

As ndi Ubuluisiuzo bid him farewell and console his wife, Maria along with his children, his son Ebuka and his siblings will surely be inundated with stories of his generosity and mentorship of several young mentees.

Ikeotuonye will definitely be missed by many as he departs.

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