Suspected IPOB Bandits Stalk Anambra Broadcasting Service boss, Obidiegwu

… Torch his vehicle

Managing Director and chief executive officer of the government-owned Anambra Broadcasting Service (ABS), Chido Obidiegwu narrowly escaped the attack of suspected bandits of the proscribed Independent People of Biafra (IPOB) over the weekend.

The event which took place in Ozubulu, headquarters of Ekwusigo local government area (LGA), Anambra State happened last Friday, July 28, when the media executive attended the funeral of a relation of the former Managing Director of Anambra State Signage and Advertisement Agency (ANSAA) in the area.

According to reports, upon Mr. Obidiegwu’s escape from the chase of the suspected bandits, abandoning his official vehicle, a Toyota pickup, they burnt the truck.

According to the National Light Newspaper, it learnt that on at least, three occasions prior to the event, the proscribed pro-Biafra sovereignty groups IPOB and their associates, the unauthorised ESN have sent warnings to Obidiegwu and his organisation, ABS, kicking against their broadcast contents.

Chief Obidiegwu narrated his ordeal thusly: “On Friday, July 28, 2023 at about 2.00 pm, I arrived the Emechetas family compound in Egbema Ozubulu for the funeral ceremony of their matriarch, Mrs. Bridget Emecheta. I went under the canopy where other guests sat and was entertained just the way other guests were. After the refreshment, I went to the canopy where the family members were and gave them my condolence envelope. The MC (master of ceremonies) introduced me and handed the microphone to me, inviting me to give my condolence speech which I did shortly and left.

“When I got to the vehicles’ parking lot, I got into my vehicle and while driving off, I noticed through my rear mirror a cream colour Toyota Sienna mini bus right behind me with about four (4) occupants inside. As I turned left, they turned left. I deliberately turned right and they followed suit. I turned back towards the funeral location and they still followed me. Then I smelt a rat. I increased my speed and they also increased theirs. I immediately became nervous.

“I recalled the voice messages I received from strange fellows claiming to be from IPOB/ESN ordering me to stop the NO MORE SIT-AT-HOME campaign we are running on Anambra Broadcasting Service ( ABS). I also recalled the threat letters posted on my office’s gate, warning me to stop the NO MORE SIT-AT-HOME jingles or they will deal with me and my family members. They claimed they knew my house in my village and the one in Lagos and the schools my children attend. It therefore occurred to me that I was in real trouble considering the high incidence of killings and kidnapping in the state.

“I further increased my speed and luckily when I got to Orie market junction, after I passed, a truck came in between us. I gained some distance from them and and seeing them still coming my way, I abandoned my vehicle on the street, ran through a compound into a bush farm. From there I ran to another connected road
and boarded a commercial bike to the motor park where I took public transport back to Awka. I later learnt that when they got to the spot where I abandoned my vehicle. They were angry and in frustration set it ablaze.”

It is noteworthy that the IPOB which the Federal Government of Nigeria declared a terror body in 2015. The body and related pro-Biafra sovereignty groups are often linked to the frequent crimes such as kidnapping, carjacking, arson and killings of government officials and attacks on state-owned facilities which are regularly recorded in such areas as the southern zone of Anambra State and parts of neighboring Imo State. The IPOB also arbitrarily declares illegal keep-out-of-the-street in the South East part of Nigeria and enforces a regular sit-at-home siege on the people of the zone.

ABS as a frontline government media organisation champions the Anambra State government’s calls on citizens to resist the sit-at-home call.

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