Anambra Employs 3,115 New Teachers

By Chuka Nnabuife

Anambra State government is employing over three thousand more teachers. The new employees will teach in her basic schools.

Already, the state’s executive has approved the appointments. Anambra State’s Commissioner for Information, Paul Nwosu confirmed this in a press release he issued on Monday, May 20.

In the release entitled, ‘ANSEC Approves the Recruitment of 3,115 Teachers’ the Commissioner explains thusly: “Anambra State Executive Council (ANSEC) has approved the recruitment of 3,115 teachers.

“The breakdown of the recruitment are: 1,115 teachers for primary schools and 2,000 teachers for secondary schools.”

This follows an earlier mass employment of teachers by the government of Gov. Chukwuma Charles Soludo. In the earlier batch, 5000 teachers were employed.

Nwosu explains thusly: “This second round of recruitment has been done mainly to address teachers shortages in rural and hard-to-get areas such as Anambra West, Ayamelum, Anambra East  Ihiala, Ekwusigo, Nnewi South, Ogbaru and Awka North.

“The recruitment which was based on CTB exam like the first exercise is purely on merit.

“This is the second time Anambra State Government under Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo CFR is employing large numbers of school teachers at a go in less than two years.”

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