
Tension: Explosions Rock Ibadan, Makinde Urges Calm

LAST night (Tuesday, January 17) the city of Ibadan, capital of Oyo State witnessed unprecedented chaos as sounds of munition explosions set members of the metropolis running helter skelter. The state governor, Seyi Makinde has called for calm.

It was pandemonium and fear though as at press time, no death has been reported. Police and security agencies were caught unawares too.

A release by the Oyo State however called for calm. Signed by the Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Prince Dotun Oyelade, the announcement urged residents to remain calm as the situation unraveled.

Oyelade wrote: “Residents of Ibadan and immediate environ experienced an uncommon explosion about 8pm this evening.

“There are various interpretations of the incident but it is important for us to state categorically that the state government has taken over and in the full control of the unfortunate occurrence in order to mitigate the incident.

“All security service chiefs including para military chiefs and Fire Operatives have been deployed by the governor to rein in the spillover from the explosions.

“His Excellency Governor Seyi Makinde therefore implores citizens to calm down and rest, assured that their interests are being looked after.”

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