
Hope Raised As Anambra Engages Higher Gear For Development

By Chuka Nnabuife

ANAMBRA State has gone to the drawing table and reworked her operations’ chart with the goal of engendering a more resounding progress across all sectors this year.

In the new year there will be higher momentum in the activities of state. Sources in government inform that 2024 will be marked by and recalibration of developmental directions, tangible solutions and hope in Anambra.

The state just concluded her executive retreat, held under the team, ‘Mid-term Performance Review: Changing Gear’ at the International Convention Centre, ICC, Awka. The two-day event pointed out the new directions, outlined and delineated the paths towards achieving them.

It was a marathon session of fine-tuning strategies and appraising instruments of operation  so far utilised by the ‘Solution is Here’ administration of Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo.

The governor and members of his team which comprised his principal officers, commissioners, heads of ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), heads of local councils, alongside eggheads sat on the deliveries of the ‘Solution’ regime, so far, chewed them up and evolved ideas for upgrading them for the next two years.

The event established that there will be evident  rave-up of momentum in such areas as grassroots development, infrastructure provision and the state’s human resources.

The government, as Prof. Soludo hinted severally during the Yuletide, has postured seriously to seek collaborations with communities, corporate organisations and individuals in a public, private partnership model that will quicken the tempo of infrastructure provision across the state.

Hence activities in such areas as opening up of rural roads; building and equipping of hospitals and schools; establishment and maintenance of recreational facilities; governmental and non-governmental collaborative initiatives in community management of security among others will witness remarkable lift.

Gov. Soludo’s repeated call is on concerned citizens of Anambra, wealthy or not so rich,  and bodies was to engage in such activities as adopting basic schools to fund; construction of roads in their neighborhoods; uplifting healthcare facilities among others. He assured that his government will support such ventures.

Along this direction, the governor toured various communities in Anambra during the Yuletide to cut tapes of ground breaking or commissioning of such projects. He cut the tape for a multi-sectoral service facility in Okija; unveiled a gigantic hotel in Ozubulu; commissioned roads in Abatete, Nanka, Nimo, Enugwu-Ukwu, Umuoji among others.

“My government encourages such partnerships. They hasten the development process and make our state greater”, said the governor.

Throwing more light on the revitalisation in governance of Anambra, the deputy governor, Dr. Onyekachukwu Ibezim, informed that the new year will not only serve a remarkable progress in the state but an improved economy, irrespective of whatever happens nationally or globally.

“While we are talking of a dwindling general economy,” Ibezim  reasoned that “in Anambra, we have a state that is opening up new frontiers for the economy. So, there is greater hope for Anambra State, this year and subsequently.”

The deputy governor commended the “very encouraging homecoming” of Anambra sons and daughters during the Christmas and New Year season and the unprecedented number of non-government individuals’ financed community-development projects and healthy signs of people support of the government. He also underlined the people and government partnership as a hope-raiser for Anambra.

“With the present wave of homecoming and community support projects as well as what one can call the new behavioral change, one cannot but see hope, and feel the clearly manifesting positive turn around in our economy and general development” he reasoned.

The deputy governor disclosed that there will be “positive”, speedy and “very progressive changes” in lands and community crisis management, boundaries’ disputes’ settlement and youths’ employment as well as vocational engagement this year.

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